Studying abroad can be a very enriching experience. Are you also looking to spend a term at a foreign university, make new experiences and broaden your horizons? Studying abroad needs a lot of advance preparation, so you should look into getting a student visa as early as possible. Below, you will find some useful tips on successfully applying for a visa, and we will explain why you should not forget to order a certified translation of your documents.
Do you need a visa?
Swiss citizens who stay in most EU/EFTA countries for under three months do not need to register with local authorities. This is thanks to the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons. However, even if you are studying abroad for a relatively short period, it is important to contact the residents’ registration authority in advance to see if you need to register. This will prevent you encountering any administrative problems when you arrive.
Do you want to study abroad for a longer period? If so, you are very likely to need a visa. Below are the most important things you need to know in order to obtain a residence permit for up to 12 months:
According to the FDFA (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs), you will need to submit the following documents:
- a valid ID card or a valid passport,
- confirmation of registration with a recognised university in the host country,
- recognised illness and accident insurance in the host country,
- proof that you have sufficient financial resources for the duration of your study stay.
If you are studying abroad outside the EU/EFTA, you will usually have to go through additional formalities, e.g. providing written confirmation and a letter of recommendation from the school’s management that the person has the requisite knowledge for the tuition.
The importance of a certified translation
It is not only important for all your documents to be correct and complete – you will also need certified translations of them. You should never translate these documents yourselves, as all translations used in written correspondence with authorities must always be certified. Certification is the only thing that gives them a formal character and means they can be accepted for official purposes.
Want to live your dream of studying abroad? We can help you do that!
We can provide you with a professional, certified translation, to ensure that there will be no further obstacles in your path. We will make sure you will be sitting in the lecture theatre of your host university right on time for the start of term. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote!