One of the most common misconceptions made by those sourcing certified translations is that of assuming that all certified translation services on the market are of equal quality and value.
In reality, the truth is actually quite to the contrary.
For one thing, working with a certified translation agency does not necessarily mean that each and every translator and assistant working for the agency is certified. It could instead be that the majority of those working for the agency are lower-level translators of limited ability, headed by one or two certified translators who simply scan over their work and sign them off.
Suffice to say, this does not necessarily bode well for accuracy and completeness.
But even in instances where the service provider is indeed highly skilled and 100% certified, there’s one key consideration that must be factored in before going ahead. That being, whether or not the translator is a native speaker in the target language.
Depending on the specifics of the documents being translated, certified translations have the potential to be extremely difficult. They may contain a lot of legal or technical jargon, the likes of which may not be fully understood by those who do not have native speaker status in the target language. They may be able to produce a legible and understandable translated version of the original, but at the same time there is every possibility that this will not be deemed acceptable by the recipient.
It is for this reason that it is essential to insist on native speakers for certified translations, in the target language of the translation. If you are looking for a Polish birth certificate translation, work with a Polish certified translator. If you are looking for a German legal document translation, with a certified translator who is also a German native speaker.
It is simply a way of covering your own back, given the way in which even the slightest mistakes in a certified translation have the potential to render the whole document unviable.
For more information on the industry’s most outstanding certified translation services, get in touch with the SemioticTransfer team today.